
Blogger 的故事

Blogger 是創始於 1999 年八月舊金山的一家小公司,名叫 Pyra Labs 。 當時正值網路熱潮, 但我們並不完全是那種由風險資本家投資、開開派對、請大家在大廳裡玩玩桌上手足球遊戲、喝喝免費啤酒的公司。 (除非那是別人的免費啤酒。)
We were three friends, funded by doing annoying contract web projects for big companies, trying to make our own grand entrance onto the Internet landscape. What we were originally trying to do doesn't matter so much now. But while doing it, we created Blogger, more or less on a whim, and thought — Hmmm... that's kinda interesting.
Blogger 一開始的時候規模很小,經過幾年之後,規模終於大了些。 我們籌到一點錢 (但仍維持小規模)。 後來,隨著網路產業的泡沫化,我們花光了錢,有趣的創業旅程就沒那麼好玩了。 我們支離破碎,苟延殘喘著,但是仍然繼續提供服務 (大多數的時候) 並開始重建。
Things were going well again in 2002. We had hundreds of thousands of users, though still just a few people. And then something no one expected happened: Google wanted to buy us. Yes, that Google
我們很喜歡 Google 。 他們也喜歡 blogs。 所以我們一拍即合, 合作無間。
我們現在是 Google 裡面的一個小組 (但比以前稍大),專注於協助人們在網站上發出自己的聲音,並將來自全世界個人觀點的資訊加以組織。 這也和我們一直所在做的差不多。

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